my humps

are cancer-free! check it out. in case i haven't already told you, blubbered into your shoulder, called you at 4 in the morning, inappropriately gchatted you, shown up at your workplace uninvited to talk about myself, or over-nighted you my ultrasound results, I've recently had a not-really-but-kinda cancer scare. i won't go into gory details, but the moral of this story is LADIEZ. go to the doctor right now and demand they feel you up until you're sure there's nothing in there that shouldn't be. its never too early to get checked (update: apparently it can be?). tell your friends, go make an appmt, I'll wait.

good girl.

ps, i'd like to thank the US health care system for providing me all that awesome insurance while I was an independent contractor/unemployed that allowed me to catch this creepy lump of not-cancer before it had grown to the size of a gumball. Not.

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