white chocolate city, pt 2

I didn't take as many photos as I'd intended during my DC vacay, but here are a couple. mine was the last plane to land at Reagan before this shiz got real.

also, I went to 30 minutes of a Ravens game in bmore for my anniversary. we saw not a single touchdown and sat in the very last row and huddled under a blanket while our limbs turned numb and black and fell off, just like at the innauguration. on the way home we stopped for apple pies at McDonalds. = Romance. ps, ravens fans are bammas.

that's it for pictures, but other things i did:
pizza party time and excellent snowball fight until kate slammed me into a concrete wall
everything bagels and Counter culture coffee at Big Bear
movies (not Avatar)
ethiopian food at Etete
Scategories and flaming sambuca toddy at Tryst
whisky sour at Marvin
gingerbread cookies and icing
beer in mason jars with old friends at Trusty's in Barracks Row (supposedly the new Bloomingdale)
lady dinner with Smirnoff ices and rummy nog
more pizza and presents and hyphy juice

hopefully I'll make it back to the DMV next summer. xoxo

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