holiday road, pt 2

first, my parents are in town. they got lost driving my car from south San Francisco to the east bay and blamed me for having my window bashed in and someone stealing my GPS. quickly i took them to Saul's, a not-kosher deli in north Berkeley and plied them with latkes and phosphates until they were subdued. Usually when they take me to dinner, we sit around the table squawking and bellowing and resenting each other, like the Costanzas. so much Jewish guilt.
whatever, i made them buy me one of these bad boys:

In Israel they eat DONUTS for hannukah. bomb.

Second, I'm coming to DC on Friday and I am going to DESTROY MYSELF with hanging out and pie and whisky and friends and fun. good riddance semester, don't let the FUCK YOU hit you on the way out.

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