Yes We Do

at the last minute friends and i got tickets to the innauguration, so we went down at 6:30am and stood in a seething mass of anxious human traffic for 6 hours in 20 degree january wind. at one point we were pressed against the back of a tour bus that was stuck in the middle of 400,000 people in an intersection when the driver turned on the engine and gassed everyone with carbon monoxide exhaust. eventually we got all the way up to the "security check point" which I'm not convinced actually existed in reality and the ceremony was about to start so the crowd just pushed over a low metal barricade and broke through a plastic mesh fence and ran down to the capitol reflecting pool. even tho the lying liars from DC MPD entirely failed on the crowd control tip and the speeches/performances were boring, in the end I'm glad I was there.

Afterward there was delicious dinner made. OBAMA.

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