i'm rich b*tch!

I got a job! It was a stressful winter and a super stressful week because I ended up having to decide between 2 really great opportunities. I stayed up all night trying to plan my life out and asked everyone I know for advice and called someone at work 300 times a day to help me practice how to talk right. but I do have to give credit where credit is due, and I owe credit to the movie Sliding Doors, which someone else reminded me to watch on intant and which supplied an incredibly apt metaphor for life decision-making. Do I want to be brunette Gwyneth who may look boring and fall down some stairs and miscarry but get the guy in the end? Or do I want to be blonde pixie Gwyneth who drinks milkshakes and looks great with flowers in her hair but ultimately gets run over by a car and dies? spoiler alert. so, for now, i have brown hair and i'm pretty excited. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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