
its spring break and me and Tosh are stuck in tahoe bc they closed highway 80 from colfax to the nevada state line. on wed we went snowboarding.


when we got here on tues night the snow was still below the top of the door frame.

last night we went into town to the video store to get horror movies and we also got pizza at the restaurant by the entrance to the highway that's just called "pizza" with the p burnt out of the sign. I got a Mr. Pibb.

tosh got private eyes.

then the car got stuck in the snow on the way back a few blocks from my house. we tried shoveling it out for like half and hour and finally abandoned it and made the harrowing, life-threatening trek on foot the 1/8 of a mile to my house through 3 feet drifts of snow. there was a moment when i thought we weren't going to make it, seriously. tosh wasn't even wearing a coat or gloves. i kept shrieking "almost there!" even tho i knew we weren't because i could sense the lifeforce leaving his body. when we got home, i called every snow removal number i could to see if they could come dig out my car until i got this guy on the line who i'm pretty sure was an actual serial murderer who asked if i had any other girls with me. I politely declined his services. then we made toddies and watched the new nightmare on elm street where freddy is played by that ugly guy jackie joel haley or whatever his name is from breaking away and human target. we also watched one called Mirrors with keifer sutherland which made me scared to look in mirrors all night. then we got up this morning and shoveled the car out and now we're eating eggs and waiting for them to open the highway.

wish u were here.