things and stuff, pt 2

i finished Infinite Jest, was pretty disappointed. i started school, am withholding judgment for now. berkeley is fine, my neighborhood is the safest I've lived in since i was 18. when i walk home from the BART late at night, alone, it smells like flowers and i can see the stars and no one bothers me. my neighborhood is 100% aging hippies with like a lot of equity in their homes and serious gardens which they water a lot despite the tremendous deficit in this state. inexplicably most places in california, water is included in the rent. meanwhile in the east coast you're charged for water and yet there is so much lately that neighbors are calling the skeeter police on each other to come suck up the festering pools just laying about. weird. lately i've been on a kick of watching movies about san francisco. i just watched 'the wild parrots of telegraph hill' and 'the Bridge' which were both depressing. i just netflixed Bullitt and Dirty Harry. i also recently started a subscription to the sunday Times because i figured adults read the paper and i'm like half an adult so why not. i can't seem to get through it in a week, altho i totes make time to read the wedding announcements which are hilarious. everyone getting married in new york went to the University of Pennsylvania. my brother went to the University of Pennsylvania and hated it there and joined a goth/metal frat. also, i planted an herb garden finally.

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