first and hopefully last feminist rant on this blog

i walked to CVS at 7th and FL this morning to get claritin bc i was dying of allergies and was street harrassed by some bozo. he's all "hey girl you look so sexy in that girl i wanna..." to which i normally would've ignored it and walked on but this morning i was like drowning in snot and hadn't even had coffee and i wasn't having it at all so i was like "hey man its like 9:30 in the morning" and he's like "its just a compliment" and i'm like "that's not a compliment, its rude" and he's like "so what's a compliment?" and I'm like "just say hello" to which he says "well you shouldn't be leaving the house like that if you don't want 'compliments'." see below documentation of exactly what I was wearing, as if it mattered which it doesn't, but like fuck you asshole i am not even wearing anything scandalous, which would be fine even if i was because like this is america and it is my birthright to dress as skanky as i want without you getting all up in my stuff at 9:30 in the fucking morning, you cretinous shit.

1 comment:

Capitulate Now said...

HOT-CHA-CHA! Hey there white chocolate you are lookin' so fiiiiiiiiiine DAAAAAAAMN

Also: there is a joke in here somewhere, having to do with jerks and that New Boyz song, but I'm too lazy to find it.