its birthday season

its 3 years to the day since I moved to DC, Kate turns 26 tomorrow, my gramps turned 90 last week, and most exciting of all...

my blog turns 100 right now!!!!1

posts old that is. I remember when lil bloggy was just a postmodern twinkle in the eyeball of my mind. Actually no planning went into this. I accidentally started this blog because a year and a half ago, Kate and I were standing outside the old Warehouse Next Door, admiring someone's pink vespa, and talking to an art student from U of MD about how everyone today has an inane blog about fingernails or eating cheese and other ironies and how if we ever started one it would be so pomo that it would be meta. So then I tried poking around blogspot to see how one if they were so inclined would go about making one of these newfangled contraptions and whoops i just started my blog.

So, party on interwebs.

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