I’m writing from the
DC2NY bus on my way up to Brooklyn for Labor Day. The bus has Internet, its pretty cool. Apparently we’re also supposed to get a complimentary cookie and beverage, but these have yet to materialize. The bus does, however, have a DVD player and a copy of “Firehouse Dog” that no one – in the world – should ever have to watch.
Despite these setbacks, I’m stoked to get out of Dodge for a couple days. This week has seen passage of three events that I feel warrant some diversion:
Number 1, Thursday was my two-year anniversary of moving to DC. Without making any cheeseball, “long strange trip” musings, I’ll just say that while I’m glad I moved away from Portland when I did, the jury’s still out on DC. I’m white. I’m liberal, and I work for a non-profit. I make (way) less than $50,000 per year. What exactly am I doing here?
Number 2, I registered to take a GRE prep class. This theoretically means I plan to go back to school. I feel old and dumb and poor.
Number 3, I got a blackberry. My work didn’t get me a blackberry. I got it of my own free accord. More so, I was really excited to get it. I remember when (cue “long strange trip” theme) people started showing up on my college campus with cell phones and everyone was like “eeeeeew, corporate America, omygod, gross!” (I also remember referencing the Matrix in one of my AP American History essays as one of those watershed moments after which nothing would be the same – I got a 2). The times, they change.
All this is to say, am I a douchebag? Things to ponder. Happy Labor Day.