I'm at the American Public Health Association's national meeting at the convention center in DC. This conference brings together preeminent professionals working in the fields of adolescent, family, and population, and environmental health from across the us and abroad. Leaders in the field present cutting edge research in dozens of scientific sessions running concurently.
I feel like a fraud. Most obviously, i registered under a false name - my boss' - to avoid paying the membership fee. I also feel like I need to have a few more degrees just to know what's going on at all. And I'm totally bored.
Don't get me wrong, I actually do care about this stuff. Just today I've been to panels on risk factors for adolescent sexual behaviors, and how interpersonal violence has occupational effects in the workplace, and heard about advocacy initiatives for family-friendly policies at the state and local levels. Its fascinating and relevant and I'm going into this field because I love it.
But man, these people are fug. I know that public health isn't sexy, but come on, you're not even trying. I haven't seen this many white sneakers and polyester pantsuits and paisley scarves since the 'women of faith' conference came to the verizon center this summer (as observed swarming around chipotle in gallery place from a vantage point drinking 40s of OE at the Hotel Monaco).
what was I talking about?
Whatever. Not a girl, not yet an elastic-waistband, bridge and tunnel, I give up.